Numerous Elm Grove residence shared their disappointment noting that they had grown up with the tree always there. It was part of their lives.

When Gene Sligar, who had the task of removing the tree, remarked that the best testimony to a tree is to leave part of it standing ideas on how to mark it’s important in history began to form. We wanted to satisfy the community at educate passersby of the significance of the tree and the grounds on which it stood and at the same time make them aware of what Osiris Shriners do for children in need of specialized medical care.

It was decided to place brick walkways leading to the base of the tree, and add bench is made of some of the wood making a park like setting. Bronze plaque and printed with information will be placed in the area as well.

4 x 8 inch personalized bricks will make up the walkway. See the sample. To share in memorializing the Witness Tree we will be selling personalized breaks for $100 each. Click here to complete the form to order yours today